The Girl Child: The Gold Mine by Temitope Oluleye.

Imagine having a gold mine with treasures upon treasures of precious, valuable gold right in front of your house and you even though you know about it, you refuse to mine gold from it that is the reality that millions of girl children are facing all over world. 
Girl children are solid gold but they are being undermined and degraded like they are not valuable but their value knows no bounds. I am focusing more on girls because they are more marginalized than boys.

Girls are treasures like gold, even more precious than gold. They were created with innate, powerful solutions for this world. They have been imbued with wisdom to invent, innovate and create yet many girl children are still relegated to the background or even killed just because of their gender and until the society or the world at large gives them the platform to harness their skills, have their voices heard, create and invent what has not yet been seen, write books that have never being written, the world will still be deficient. Let their genius be unleashed and you will marvel.
Each child, male or female has been made to contribute something of worth to the earth. There is no human being that was born without a gift or talent. So, in commemoration of the International Day of the Girl Child which is today, when you see a girl child, see gold, see value, see promise, see genius, see precious! Give her the space, the encouragement, the empowerment to be all she can be because until we do that, our world will still lack that 'girl magic' that only girls can perform.
This is dedicated to my precious, sweet daughter, the embodiment of happiness, joy & genius personified. I love you.


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