Sanitary pads expensive? Know how to make your own (Very easy & Cheaper)

With the Nigerian recession in high gear and with the expensive cost of virtually everything these days, you might need to improvise or make things by yourself. I will be featuring a 'Do It Yourself' series on this blog so keep reading. In these times of recession, sanitary pads have become quite expensive with reports that they retail for as much as N750 each. So why not make your own for a cheaper price? Follow the simple steps below to know how:

Step 1: Get some cotton wool (use as much cotton wool as you would need)

Step 2: Insert the cotton wool into a long sheet of toilet tissue paper and roll it inside it (the thickness depends on your preference)

Step 3: Place it securely inside your underwear and use.

That's it. Easy Peasy! It's quite economical and simple to make. 

Images: Wikihow


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