My Back-to-Fitness Quest still continues....It isn't easy but it's worth it!‪ #‎BBS60‬

As I am typing this, my body is so sore from the intense workout routine I did this morning. I was up at 5am exercising to Insanity Max 30 by Shaun T. This workout is a killer! I was dripping sweat! It is a whole 30 minutes of vigorous, heart pumping exercise but I survived it! It's just been 3 weeks on my Bounce Back Stronger in 60 days fitness challenge #BBS60 and I can see results already. I am getting stronger, leaner. My exercise routine consists of cardio and strength training. My fitness quest still continues.‪#‎RadioTVPersonality‬ #BBS60 ‪#‎NigerianFitnessDiva‬ ‪#‎BeastMode‬‪#‎MediaDarling‬


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