The Miracle Product that got rid of all my stubborn pimples finally!
I had said it in an earlier post that I had never battled with pimples before. With little or no effort my skin was always bump free. I never knew my clear skin would encounter very stubborn pimples that would not just go away no matter what I did! So in my search to get over this "pimple battle", I talked to a friend who told me of a skincare product called SIVODERM. I really still didn't believe that it would work but I got it anyway and it was very cheap! It was just N200 at a local cosmetic store.
The very first day I used it, I washed my face thoroughly with my Neutrogena facial cleanser, patted face dry then applied the product, massaging it in well. It has a "stingy" sensation. It is not painful though so don't worry about that. It's the kind of sensation you get from menthol. It has menthol in it. I left it overnight. I did this continously until I started seeing results. The pimples just started drying up! I was so excited. I didn't think it would work but it did. Now this is not a sponsored post. I wasn't paid by the the company to promote this product. I am just sharing with you what worked for me. If you have been battling furiously with pimples, Sivoderm might work for you. Anytime pimples pop up on my face again, I now know the product to go to. It is my miracle skincare product and so affordable.
I would really love to hear from you. Are there any products that have gotten rid of your pimples? Please share below. Thanks for reading!